Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don't Forget to Remember...!

“They forgot God had done, the wonders He had shown them.” (Psalm 78:11)

So I heard from a Christian woman who tearfully told of God's financial provision in sending her daughter on mission overseas. How what the parents owed for the trip, arrived in the form of a back payment for services her husband performed years ago...the exact amount needed!

Coincidence? Hardly.  How about the Hand of Almighty God!

I've been reminded of God's faithful provision in my own life, in the form of compensation that showed up at my office...the exact amount I had needed for an insurance deductible coming up! And on and on similar stories are retold.

Why do I, why do we forget these things of His character? I don't know, seems like a design flaw in our making, because we as God's people have been forgetting His faithfulness for thousands of years.  So Psalm 78 reminds us.

But another Psalm prods us to remember...

“Remember the wonders God has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced, O descendants of Abraham His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones. He is the Lord our God...” (Psalm 105:5–7)

Remembering that God was way faithful in my past, encourages me that He'll do so in my present.  How can I remember? I'm human after all, without permanent recall. Maybe share His faithful moments with others. Maybe set them as a recurring event on my digital calendar. I remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other major events of my life? Is not God showing up, in the same monumental category?

“Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples! For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 117)

{**PS:  I did it...I decided to start setting "God moments" as forever recurring events on my computer calendar.  Try it...}

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